TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion::In a blog post, the company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion.

  • @[email protected]
    07 months ago

    Alright what about warcrimes committed by resistance fighters and the allied forced during ww2?

    If you support those groups even though they have done bad shit then you’re a hypocrite and you should try and understand why you consider them differently.

    • @Tavarin
      27 months ago

      Hamas wants to get Palestinian’s killed by Israel, that’s their goal. They want their own people to die so Israel looks bad and maybe Hamas can get Saudi Arabia to attack.

      That’s worse than what the allies did.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        At this point i support hamas uncritically because israel is an apartheid state and its stepdad, the USA, is the largest state sponsor of terror in the world.

        • @Tavarin
          -17 months ago

          So you support a terrorist organization attempting to eradicate all Jews, and getting their own people willingly killed in the process. Good to know.

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            So you support a terrorist state attempting to eradicate safe spaces for Jews outside of Israel by funding antisemitic groups in those countries, and getting Jews killed in the process. Good to know.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            i don’t care about the opinion of genocidal freaks such as yourself who sanction ethnic cleansing campaigns. everything you say is wrong and irrelevant

            • @Tavarin
              -27 months ago

              You yourself support an attempted Genocide you moron.

              • @[email protected]
                27 months ago

                I can see that since 7 October Israel shut off electricity and water to Gaza, bombed bakeries and hospitals, forced the northern half of Gaza to evacuate to the southern half while still accosting and shooting them. I know that when Israel released the names of the so-called victims from the day Hamas breached the Gazan perimeter that a huge number of them were IDF soldiers, not civilians. I know that over 10,000 Palestinian civilians are currently dead due to the indiscriminate bombing campaign that Israel has conducted with the approval of the USA. This is what’s actually happening, not whatever imagined scenario you are conjuring.

                As for Hamas, I know that its creation was partly due to support from Israel itself. I know that birthright tours are designed to conflate Judaism and Zionism and to encourage settlers to come steal ever more land from Palestinians. I know that Palestine is thoroughly occupied by Israel. The people of Gaza do not control their own border, or ports, or airspace, or anything else. Until Palestinians are uncaged and allowed some form of self-determination their efforts should be applauded as resistance against an apartheid state and the people who take up arms are freedom fighters.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Hamas wants hostages to do a hostage swap for Palestinians that Israel is holding hostage in their prisons.

        This is true of any organisation fighting a nation state.

        The IRA did hostage swaps with the British government and this was one of the reasons there is peace in northern Ireland.


        Edit: looking at tavarins comment history it is most likely they are a Zionist mouthpiece. Hope they are getting paid and not doing unpaid labour ❤

        • @Tavarin
          17 months ago

          Just anti terrorist.

          And Hamas demanded a 4 day caesefire as part of the hostage swaps, and only offered a small number of hostages.

          And I have Israeli friends who had to live under Hamas rocket fire.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            So your issue is that Israel couldn’t negotiate better or at all?

            And I have Palestinian friends that have lost tens of family members.

            • @Tavarin
              17 months ago

              What’s there to negotiate, one side won’t give up hostages without a ceasefire that will greatly strengthen them.

              Then why do you seem to support Hamas? Hamas is a cancer to Palestine.

              Get rid of Hamas and Nethenyu, then maybe the sides can actually go about negotiating peace.

              But here on Lemmy so many of you just scream only Israel bad, Hamas are “good freedom fighters” despite Hamas literally stating they want Israel to kill Palestinians. It’s fucking exhausting the shit you people spout.

              • @[email protected]
                17 months ago

                So no ceasefire till every Palestinian is dead? IOF has a 99% civilian casualty ratio, to take out Hamas fully the civilian death toll would be massive.

                A cancer is something that spreads and kills the host. Oh I’ve just described isaerl, funny that.

                Resistance to oppression is always justified. You can critically support groups like Hamas because they are the only ones fighting the oppressor. If the UN was actually stopping Israel I wouldn’t need to vocally support the next best thing.

                • @Tavarin
                  -17 months ago

                  Hamas has come out and said they use tactics that put civilians in the line of fire intentionally. So no, I cannot support the disgusting terrorist group Hamas.

                  And it’s fucking appalling that you can.

                  • @[email protected]
                    17 months ago

                    My friend, the IOF policy to drop bombs and white phosphorus over densely populated areas (a war crime btw) puts civilians in the line of fire intentionally.

                    Never mind their policy to shoot any IOF soldiers and settlers who are being taken hostage.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      You’re demanding to view this as “good team” / “bad team”. Fix that first because it stops any hope for peace.

      • @[email protected]
        7 months ago

        Did looking at Nazis as the bad guys stop peace?

        But no I’m asking if you support critically or uncritically the allies in ww2.

        If you support the allies even though they committed war crimes and you don’t at least uncritically support an oppressed peoples struggle then you are at best a hypocrite and at worst a racist.