TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion::In a blog post, the company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion.

  • @[email protected]
    17 months ago

    So no ceasefire till every Palestinian is dead? IOF has a 99% civilian casualty ratio, to take out Hamas fully the civilian death toll would be massive.

    A cancer is something that spreads and kills the host. Oh I’ve just described isaerl, funny that.

    Resistance to oppression is always justified. You can critically support groups like Hamas because they are the only ones fighting the oppressor. If the UN was actually stopping Israel I wouldn’t need to vocally support the next best thing.

    • @Tavarin
      -17 months ago

      Hamas has come out and said they use tactics that put civilians in the line of fire intentionally. So no, I cannot support the disgusting terrorist group Hamas.

      And it’s fucking appalling that you can.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        My friend, the IOF policy to drop bombs and white phosphorus over densely populated areas (a war crime btw) puts civilians in the line of fire intentionally.

        Never mind their policy to shoot any IOF soldiers and settlers who are being taken hostage.

        • @Tavarin
          -17 months ago

          And if Hamas would stop firing rockets from populated areas those areas wouldn’t be bombed. 9,500 rockets fired at Israel since Oct. 7th, there’s a reason Israel is attacking back.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            How many dead? Oh yeah its almost like the billions poured into Israel by the US gives them an unfair advantage and allows them to be the oppressor.

            Israel has bombed Gaza with the equivalent of two Hiroshima nukes. 9000 rockets is nothing.

            • @Tavarin
              -17 months ago

              The Hiroshima nuke killed over 100,000 people, Israel has killed 11,000. So nope, they have not bombed Gaza with the power of two Hiroshima nukes.

              And because they have an advantage Hamas should be free to attempt to eradicate all the Jews?

              You’re just A-ok with attempted murder and genocide then are you?

                • @Tavarin
                  07 months ago

                  Yet nowhere near the effect of two nukes. It’s almost as if comparing small arms fire to nukes is completely idiotic.

                  And Hamas’ goal is to eradicate the Jewish people, yet you support them.

                  So no, your last sentence is not what you have been stating you support.

                  • @[email protected]
                    7 months ago

                    It’s not really a bad comparison, Israel has dropped a shit load of ordanence, more than the US used in the Afghan war.

                    It is funny how you only care about Palestinian civilian deaths when there isn’t enough of them.

                    Hamas’ goal is not to eradicate the Jewish people you dolt, are you about to bring up a document written by a couple of people that is largely ignored by most and even refuted by Hamas that they follow it?

                    Pure Zionist playbook that one.