I’m a big Monero fan because I love liberty, but Proof of Work use too much electricity. However it’s the best for security as for now. I really believe that cryptocurrencies (and blockchain) are good for the future, it meant to empower people, the true people not the banks and big corporation. Obviously nothing went as excpected but we’re only at the start of a new financial system. I recently discover Nano, SolarCoin and other “sustainable” cryptocurrencies. So I thought maybe the future can be good for both world, no need of central banks to hold funds (and invest in fossil fuel, money laundering and wars), individuals and communities could handle their funds, makes transactions without third parties involved, people could heat their houses and mine (or whatever it does) with solar energy, Solar Optimal mining of XMR for exemple is a super idea in my opinion. Why not using Wind energy to secure the network, validate the transactions etc… Does anyone already wrote stuff on a perfect cryptocurrency for a solarpunk society ? Also does Nano and SolarCoin looks legit to you are are these just greenwashing shitcoins ?

  • @[email protected]
    17 months ago

    I think if the goal of the currency is not to convert to fiat or make money overall then crypto is pretty anarchist by itself as it allow to create parallel markets. I like the spin of SolarCoin but in the end it falls in the pit of other coins because its value is measured in fiat. Nano in my opinions has a couple of issues. The community can be a bit crazy at times, at the end of the crypto craziness I ended up leaving the nano sub on reddit about it because people there were a bit intense. Also, I think it needed more developer involvement at least at the time I last interacted with them. I don’t think there is anything wrong with proof of work, it’s a matter of power sources. Problem is that most currencies don’t care about energy sources.