I try to make my relatives understand that this is something important, to put forward rational arguments, but they refuse me, saying that it would only complicate their lives, so it’s useless. I’m seen as the paranoid of the gang. So how would you convince your friends?

  • @[email protected]
    03 years ago

    There was a great ad on television about how much someone knew about somebody else thanks to social media. It was portrayed as somebody going in for a like pitch with some witch or whatever and they give their names/DOB/address and then the “witch” would just give them as much information as her team got from reading that person’s facebook. I was shocked by the amount of information: holidays, job, boyfriend, kids, best friends, hobbies, parents dead, etc. It kind of helped me understand quite simply why I shouldn’t share too much on social media. I worked, I share little about my life. You would need to really dig to get more than the basics I think (hope!). Only had Facebook then and have never created an Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, TikTok etc with my real name. Even on Facebook, I’ve only shared like a couple of photos in the last decade, compared to a couple a month back then.

    If anybody can find that tv ad I would love to see it again.