I’m a bit concerned about how much my husband has been watching his videos, but he’s a hard man to argue with. I want to understand what it is Joe Rogan is saying, but I don’t want to give the man my viewership. How/where do I get the info I can use to debate my husband?

  • remotelove
    1 year ago

    That is the path I would take. All JR does, and all people like him do, is provide people with a encyclopedia of logical fallacies to use during arguments.

    An “argument” with these kinds of people usually just drives you into a state of confusion trying to debunk lists of interconnected “facts” they are spewing out. Not only does it put that person in a place to “win an argument by default”, they are generally masters at shifting the burden of proof on to you.

    Two approaches I take are: Recognize what a person is about to spout off and counter each “fact” they come up with, immediately. Or, you ignore that person and walk off.