Republican efforts to impeach President Joe Biden suffered a blow after fresh evidence emerged showing his bid to remove Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin in 2015 represented U.S. government policy.

  • Pratai
    9 months ago

    I’d say the damage is done regardless because their entire political party is based on a smoke and mirror show designed for the purpose of redirecting their voting base away from anything then shows them in a negative light.

    All then need to do is place the idea of something scary and distracting in their voters empty brains, and the idiots will become so obsessed with it they’d be willing to commit crimes to stop it, ie: Jan 6th.

      9 months ago

      The right wing spent the last 70 years building a machine. They have think tanks of ivy league educated minds to shape their policy, armies of PR men to craft the talking points and a thousand talking heads across all media to preach it.

      It’s very deliberate propaganda designed to manipulate people using base emotions like anger and fear. I agree the base isn’t particularly smart but the messaging is specifically designed to invoke an emotional reaction so they can’t think critically.