I don’t mean to be pessimistic, bit since most subreddits are only going dark for a couple days, the site will basically be back to normal soon. I wonder how many users here are only here because of temporary outrage and not because they actually prefer Lemmy. I’m curious about people’s outlook on this situation.


Edit: Wow this blew up!

Edit 2: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!

Edit 3: RIP my inbox! I can’t believe this made /r/all!

Edit 4: We did it Reddit! Lemmy!

  • @thatsnothowyoudoit
    11 months ago

    Reddit is like the abusive lover we can’t leave.

    I’ve been hurt again and again and again over the years. This was the last straw. Even if they cave, it’ll only be temporary.

    I’ll continue to use reddit data in searches, but I’ll no longer participate in the discussions or offer my opinions/experience there.

    I forked PDS and re-wrote all my comments, then delete all my accounts. There’s no turning back.

    As for sticking with Lemmy… who knows. But I’m going to give it a solid go.