This impacts on your mental health positively by caring for something and you get to appreciate how you connect with your food.

Studies have shown kids that get involved in growing their food have incresed intelligence and test scores and they are more likely to eat their veg if they have grown it.

Growing your own food can be done in small areas with pots or vertical options such as netting or grow towers ect.

Growing your own food is becoming increasingly important with the cost of living crisis and the climate crisis. Now is a good time to learn some skills!

  • masterofn001
    2 years ago

    When I was growing my dad used to grow corn, green beans, tomatoes, and a few other things. In the suburbs of Ontario Canada.

    Today, my garden, as a renter, is growing cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, onions, potatoes, peppers, and an assortment of herbs.

    These were all started from cuttings, or seed either from another plant or local library seed bank, or the dollar store.

    It is my meditation.