Netflix’s new techno chiller T.I.M. follows a career-conscious woman called Abi as she moves into a new smart home with her seemingly not-very-trustworthy husband Paul. Even as she tries to make an impact with her new employer, he decides to gift her a “Technologically Integrated Manservant” (T.I.M.) to fuss around the house and help her out while she’s busy at work. T.I.M. might be the creepiest robot version of Alexa possible!

It’s not long before T.I.M. is taking it upon himself to do more than re-up groceries and sweep the floors, becoming obsessed with Abi and having a marked distaste for her formerly wayward husband. Things soon spiral out of control in the spotless smart home while Abi is distracted by the wild demands of her boss. Can T.I.M. be stopped from doing something deadly before it’s too late?