• @[email protected]
    -73 years ago

    Because I’m a part of society and meet normal human beings, I follow normal news and I know the historical context. Even calling all these countries ‘white’ seems to have a very American sensibillity. Neo nazis in europe would not include most of these countries.

    And a lot of you people (tankie scum) defend authoritarian countries anway. Why throw rocks from a glass house, you know?

    • SFloss (they/them)
      53 years ago

      Why do you continuously use the insult that you’re “normal” or follow “normal things” compared to everyone with opposing views to you who are apparently all weirdos or shut-ins?

      • @[email protected]
        13 years ago

        Well, there are stuff that are dissagreements, but some opinions and positions is most likely fitting a certain lifesetting. Like take for example neo nazis

        • SFloss (they/them)
          13 years ago

          Neo-Nazis and communists are nothing alike, so it’s best to not even insinuate any similarities. Honestly, I think you need some kind of reality check. Outside of Western countries, communism is normal, and the philosophy it’s built on, dialectical materialism, is a completely valid (one could even say the most valid) method of perceiving the world.

          I’m telling you this with sincere intentions, and I mean absolutely no harm because I realize everyone has space to learn, but you need to get off whatever high horse you think you’re on.

    • @[email protected]M
      13 years ago

      So basically you’re insinuating that the Western liberal point of view is “normal” for “humans”? That we’re all insane for daring to having dissenting opinions? Hmm…

      • @[email protected]
        -23 years ago

        Well, there are stuff that are disagreements and stuff that are off base. You wouldn’t take neo nazi conspiracies seriously either.

      • @[email protected]
        -13 years ago

        I mean, I could talk with you over Jitsi. try telling me all this stuff to my face. I like to see how are then

        • @[email protected]
          33 years ago

          Actually no nm I’ll concede for the moment. I’m trying to stay quasi-anonymous with this account and I don’t trust you not to take a screenshot/record me because I hold unpopular political views in the West.

          • @[email protected]
            -23 years ago

            Your choice. And I’ll respect that. But like, most of you guys are like in deep water talking with another person about stuff like this. I’m also not some rando on the internett either, so it be interesting to see how you fare