I currently have 2 PCs which dual-boot from single drive:

  • W10+Garuda on UEFI
  • W10+Pop OS on previously CSM, now migrated to UEFI

I have used dual boot for 2 years and Windows never decided to play the boss and override Linux. In fact, some Linux distros overwrote existing bootloader and put their own in my experience. I didn’t have many problems and if I did, they were easy to fix. I even play Steam games from NTFS on both PCs. On the contrary, I heard many horror stories, dual booting is avoided and not recommended to newcomers by most users. How is your experience with dual booting Linux and Windows? Did Windows ever deleted Linux bootloader on updates for you?

  • as_is_tradition
    2 years ago

    Haven’t had a problem since I started using Linux full time in 2019 but I rarely boot to Windows (usually once every few months to update it). I have W10 and Kinoite (openSUSE before that) installed on separate SSDs. I used 2 EFI partitions (which I make backups of from time to time) on the respective drives the OSs are installed on.