• @[email protected]
    -51 year ago

    Being happy is one thing, but hating on a dead person is something else. Also It’s one thing to say “I’m glad his negativity isn’t around” versus cussing him out and saying cynical negative things. There’s a balance here.

    This is my opinion and my experience that hating on the dead isn’t a good feeling for the one saying it and others reading it. These people claim to be morally better? Come on

    • @jerkface
      1 year ago

      It’s disgusting that you would draw a direct equivalence between the hatred, suffering, and trauma caused by this man, and the expression of natural human emotions that harm no one. Any difference between, “I’m glad his negativity isn’t around” and any other expression of joy exists only in your head.

        • @jerkface
          1 year ago

          Shove your put-on airs of moral superiority where they belong. Adhering to any individual aspect of hadith might make you a better muslim but it doesn’t automatically make you a better human being. You’re using your religion to alienate yourself from people, you’re weaponizing it. If you can’t come up with an argument that isn’t divine fiat, shove it. Just shove it.

          These people claim to be morally better? Come on

          You are saying that the people who are relieved they are not going to be abused and subjected to degradation and dehumanization by this man any longer are morally equivalent to this foul, evil man, simply because they dare utter their relief. And you’re not just gossipping among your muslim friends, you’re actually saying it to their face, like you have some kind of fucking personal moral authority on the subject that a stranger on the Internet is going to possibly respect.

          Fuck you. I don’t need to be told by a divine being that you’re not being a good person. Your posturing and true motivations are obvious. There are moral cowards who hide behind every religion. I think you have more in common with Robertson than we do. “One should not speak useless words.”

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            “automatically make you a better human being” according to you.

            Clearly, the way you type and lack of decorum, reason, patience or moral character make your judgements unreliable. In fact, someone who behaves so despicably like yourself, that hates me is a compliment. If you have such reprehensible attributes that means I have the opposite, Hamdou’Allah


            • @jerkface
              1 year ago

              My, you sure showed me. By totally ignoring the content of my criticisms, you have completely disproved them! Amazing. Truly I have been “checkmated” by an intellectual giant.

              The only thing your comment served was your own emotional needs. It did not communicate a single useful thought. You could have said, “I know you are but what am I,” and it would have had the same meaning and gravitas.

    • @[email protected]
      1 year ago

      You should try pissing on margaret thatcher’s grave some time.

      There are some people who have far too much hate in their heart and the world is strictly worse off for their existence.

      Those people are few and far between, but they do exist.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          Yeah, no. Bad people are still bad, even after they have passed. I can’t believe anyone would have a problem saying,“Fuck Hitler!” Or Pol Pot. Or Stalin. Or <it’s a long list>. People who undermine the norms of society and spend their lives making other people’s lives worse should not get forgiveness, even in death.