I’m just a bi guy. I found out pretty recently

  • @[email protected]
    611 months ago

    Omnisexuality is defined as an attraction to persons of any gender identity (incl non-binary), but gender does still matter for an omnisexual (so in my case for example, I’m attracted to everyone, but more strongly towards men and less towards non-men). Bisexuals are attracted to men and women, but could also be attracted to non-binary people (but not necessarily I think).

    So I’d say there’s very little difference between them, if any. It’s more of a vibe-based thing, whatever label you like the most.

    • Ada
      811 months ago

      Bisexuals are not always attracted to men and women. A bisexual is simply someone that is attracted to two or more genders. That typically includes men and women, but doesn’t have to.

      • @[email protected]
        1211 months ago

        I’ve heard of bi as experiencing both homosexual (same-gender) and heterosexual (different-gender) attraction. That’s the definition I like, as it’s not necessarily non-binary exclusionary and so accurately describes how I experience attraction.

        • Ada
          611 months ago

          That’s definitely one way to be bi :)

          But there are also bi folk who aren’t attracted to men for example

          • @[email protected]
            411 months ago

            Oh yeah totally, and that’s just how I interpret it for myself :)

            I think it being not necessarily exclusionary is the key - experiencing heterosexual attraction doesn’t mean that you’re attracted to every other gender (although it can mean that as well)

    • @[email protected]OP
      611 months ago

      Thanks for telling me, for now I’m still bi. Hate this bi cycle shit tho. One week I’m nearly gay the next I’m attracted to everyone equally