• @Mongostein
    49 months ago

    So, all the rappers mentioned have made songs about killing people. They’re surprised when they write, “fiction,” then a crime matching their fiction happens near them and they’re implicated?

    I’m not saying the system isn’t racist, but maybe don’t write songs about much of a killer you are if you don’t want to be suspected of being a killer when someone gets killed near you.

    • _thisdot
      39 months ago

      There was a heavy metal artist, who kinda had his face painted like those KISS people. He had a song where he weirdly described a death that happened at Cecile Hotel (a Netflix documentary exists about this).

      Now this face-painted monster was his entire internet personality. And he had to come with his real face and apologize to everyone saying he was in no way connected to the crime!

    • @[email protected]
      09 months ago

      The system isn’t racist, if anything it’s discriminating against “the only people who can be racist”