Maybe teach your grown kids to not leave their bookbag in the doorway?! Honeslty, no shade but 3 teens and 2 unemployed adults have a messy house?! Like how?
THIS!!! I remember a story last year she made about collecting millions of glasses from her kids rooms and throwing them under the bus for it, well why don’t you teach them to bring their mess to where it belongs? It works both ways. Kids will just be as lazy as the person taking care of them and clearly their mother is the laziest messiest slob.
Those kids clearly have zero responsibility around the house.
Maybe teach your grown kids to not leave their bookbag in the doorway?! Honeslty, no shade but 3 teens and 2 unemployed adults have a messy house?! Like how?
THIS!!! I remember a story last year she made about collecting millions of glasses from her kids rooms and throwing them under the bus for it, well why don’t you teach them to bring their mess to where it belongs? It works both ways. Kids will just be as lazy as the person taking care of them and clearly their mother is the laziest messiest slob.
Those kids clearly have zero responsibility around the house.