Full text agreement here.

Section 3 – Policy Initiatives & 2025 Deliverables

11. Democratic and Electoral Reform

The Parties will work together to create a special legislative all-party committee to evaluate and recommend policy and legislation measures to be pursued beginning in 2026 to increase democratic engagement & voter participation, address increasing political polarization, and improve the representativeness of government. The committee will review and consider preferred methods of proportional representation as part of its deliberations. The Government will work with the BCGC to establish the detailed terms of reference for this review, which are subject to the approval of both parties. The terms of reference will include the ability to receive expert and public input, provide for completion of the Special Committee’s work in Summer 2025, and public release of the Committee’s report within 45 days of completion. The committee will also review the administration of the 43rd provincial general election, including consideration of the Chief Electoral Officer’s report on the 43rd provincial general election, and make recommendations for future elections.

  • MyBrainHurts
    18 hours ago

    Not that it’s been demonstrated I’ve been cherry picking in the first place. Both people doing something wrong doesn’t make it ok. Yet another example of lazy intellectual discussion from the FPTP camp.

    What on Earth are you trying to say? Again, the question was pretty simple, how are my examples cherry picking? If we want to look at examples of how PR is playing out, the G7, the group to which we commonly compare Canada, seems a good choice. You just don’t like it because they aren’t great for your side. What example countries do you think would make a good comparison and why are they better than our G7 pals who use PR?

    your shorter responses are telling me that perhaps you don’t actually don’t “care” enough about the country to defend FPTP.

    Your overabundance of free time doesn’t compel me. I recommend going outside, enjoying a pleasant walk, maybe phoning a friend etc. It’ll do you good.

    You’ve completely ignored my point

    Variations on “more representation is good!” isn’t a new point, no one is arguing about this.

    Your Brexit example actually undermines your argument.

    I thought you didn’t like direct democracy because it wasn’t practical. Is your position actually you want all peoples voices heard but ONLY filtered through representatives? You demand we listen to all the people but they can’t be trusted enough to answer a question directly? This is a very silly position.

    • AlolanVulpixOPM
      13 hours ago

      Not only do I already do your recommendations (of my own volition), I’m out here campaigning for democracy and Canadians. You just can’t say the same.

      Variations on “more representation is good!” isn’t a new point, no one is arguing about this.

      I’m glad you’re being transparent, and just plainly saying how little people, their agency and democracy matters to you. You’ve become the very extremist that you despise.

      I thought you didn’t like direct democracy because it wasn’t practical.

      How is this direct democracy? A direct democracy means this would allow all citizens to vote directly on all legislation. Selective direct democracy wasn’t in the scope of discussion for electoral systems. I know you love to distort arguments so it looks like you’re countering the point, when it’s just intellectually lazy, and anyone reading would know it. Please continue to show how out of touch you are.

      Is your position actually you want all peoples voices heard but ONLY filtered through representatives?

      My position is that FPTP is undemocratic because it systematically discards millions of perfectly valid votes. Whereas being Canadian means supporting democracy, including a fundamental principle of democracy: proportionate representation.

      The Brexit referendum is completely irrelevant to our discussion about electoral systems. It wasn’t about how representatives are elected - it was a one-off policy decision put directly to voters. You’re conflating completely different democratic mechanisms to avoid addressing the actual failures of FPTP.

      You keep avoiding the central issue: In Ontario, the PCs govern with a “majority” despite 57% of voters explicitly rejecting them. How is this legitimate democratic representation? You call FPTP an “elected dictatorship” as if that’s a positive feature rather than a profound democratic failure.

      Your cherry-picking of European examples continues to miss the point. The purpose of an electoral system isn’t to prevent certain ideologies from gaining representation - it’s to ensure accurate representation of how citizens actually vote. If you’re concerned about extremism, address the cultural and social factors creating it, rather than trying to silence it through electoral manipulation.

      As for your claim that I don’t care about outcomes - I care deeply about outcomes. That’s exactly why I support PR. Countries with PR systems consistently outperform FPTP countries on measures of economic equality, social welfare, environmental protection, and democratic satisfaction. The Nordic countries, Germany, and New Zealand all demonstrate how PR produces stable, effective governance with policies that enjoy genuine majority support.

      The mathematical reality remains undeniable: FPTP systematically fails to represent millions of citizens in every election. No amount of handwaving about “efficiency” changes this fundamental democratic deficit. If democracy means anything, it must mean that every citizen’s vote contributes meaningfully to representation. Only PR delivers this basic democratic principle. A basic democratic principle that you not only don’t understand, but fail to recognize as being fundamentally critical for good outcomes for its citizens.

      You dismiss all arguments for “more democracy” because you, and only you, think it’s like some nice little perk rather than the entire purpose of elections.

      • MyBrainHurts
        13 hours ago

        The purpose of an electoral system isn’t to prevent certain ideologies from gaining representation - it’s to ensure accurate representation of how citizens actually vote

        That’s one perspective but I disagree. Electoral systems and rules exist so that people can elect a government, the purpose of which is to help the people. The primary goal of a government is the welfare of its people.

        If your electoral system consistently produces **bad **outcomes, that’s a **bad **thing.

        When we look to peer nations, like our compatriots in the G7 who use PR or all across Europe, you see bad outcomes happening.

        It takes a insane reading of the situation to say a system wherein Kickl is polling about where our Canadian Conservative party polls, is producing good outcomes. You know this intrinsically, it’s why you go into histrionics when I point out countries like all the examples already listed.

        It’s worked in some places, is producing deeply disturbing outcomes in others. You haven’t outlined why the Nordic countries are doing well under PR vs all the counter examples, you’ve just whined that it’s not fair to use fairly reasonable comparisons bizzarely claimed that 1/5 Germans voting for an acitve neo Nazi party is somehow a good sign.

        Pretty simple stuff.

        I’m out here campaigning for democracy and Canadians


        • AlolanVulpixOPM
          12 hours ago

          That’s one perspective but I disagree

          Yes, please keep showing how the no-PR camp is out of touch with reality. You’re trying to corrupt a democratic tool into your own personal elect your preferred ideology mechanism. In which FPTP does not do particularly well.

          Electoral systems and rules exist so that people can elect a government

          What good is a government that enacts policies that hurt its people? And no electoral system can filter out ideologies that only you oppose.

          The primary goal of a government is the welfare of its people.

          I agree, and PR forces government to cater to its citizens. The primary goal of electoral systems is to ensure accurate representation. You’re conflating the purpose of government with the purpose of electoral systems. Electoral systems are the democratic mechanism through which citizens select their representatives – they aren’t meant to filter out particular ideologies.

          If your electoral system consistently produces **bad **outcomes, that’s a **bad **thing.

          Your definition of “bad outcomes” is entirely subjective and ideological. What you’re really saying is “I don’t like the representatives some voters choose.” This is fundamentally anti-democratic, and anti-Canadian. The purpose of elections isn’t to produce governments you personally approve of – it’s to accurately represent the will of the people.

          When we look to peer nations, like our compatriots in the G7 who use PR or all across Europe, you see bad outcomes happening.

          This cherry-picking again? For every example you cite, there are PR systems producing excellent outcomes. The Nordic countries consistently rank at the top of nearly every measure of good governance, economic equality, and social welfare – all with PR systems. New Zealand transitioned to MMP and has seen stable, effective governance. You conveniently ignore these examples because they contradict your narrative.

          It takes a insane reading of the situation to say a system wherein Kickl is polling about where our Canadian Conservative party polls, is producing good outcomes.

          The electoral system didn’t create Kickl’s support – it merely reveals it. What’s “insane” is thinking that hiding extremist views through electoral manipulation is better than confronting them directly. FPTP doesn’t eliminate extremism; it masks it until it captures an entire mainstream party – as we’ve seen with MAGA in the US.

          You haven’t outlined why the Nordic countries are doing well under PR vs all the counter examples

          Actually, I have – multiple times. The difference is in the broader political culture, democratic traditions, and social cohesion. Electoral systems don’t create extremism; they reflect the societies they operate in. Your entire argument boils down to “I don’t like what some voters choose, so let’s use a system that silences them.” That’s not democracy – it’s electoral engineering to produce outcomes you prefer. And this sinister engineering is disenfranchising millions of “groovy kids” - who you supposedly care about.

          I stand for the principle that in a democracy, citizens are deserving of and entitled to representation in government. Only proportional representation can consistently deliver this fundamental democratic right. Your position continues to prioritize subjective outcomes over democratic principles, which is precisely why PR advocates will ultimately prevail – because democracy itself is on our side.

          • MyBrainHurts
            5 hours ago

            What good is a government that enacts policies that hurt its people?

            Did you literally stop reading after the first sentence?

            Electoral systems and rules exist so that people can elect a government, the purpose of which is to help the people. The primary goal of a government is the welfare of its people.

            What you’re really saying is “I don’t like the representatives some voters choose.”

            Here we differ. I will loudly declare that I believe racist, hateful or Nazi adjacent parties are Bad things. I did not think that was a contentious point, but here we are.

            The electoral system didn’t create Kickl’s support – it merely reveals it.

            What’s the proof? Do you really believe some 30% of Canadians would vote for similar groups and we’re just masking that now? Or just huge percentages of Italians, Austrians, Germans, Dutch, Polish etc are fairly hateful? Rather than say, things have gotten really bad and people are looking for extreme measures?

            For every example you cite, there are PR systems producing excellent outcomes.

            Maybe this is it. To me, 50/50 is a pretty fucking terrible offer here. Like, hey, we can make your vote marginally better but there’s a 50/50 chance Canada gets a bunch of extreme right politics to deal with going forward.

            I think that offer makes Canada a much worse place for many vulnerable people.

            Edit: formattings and the grammars