dill pickle slices and peanut butter are pretty darn good together. I’ve eaten it off and on my whole life. My mom liked it, so it got passed down to me. She would make it as a sandwich, where I prefer it on saltine crackers. It’s surprising how the two flavors complement each other…
Do they… taste better together?
Apparently there’s people who love peanut butter and pickle sandwiches
dill pickle slices and peanut butter are pretty darn good together. I’ve eaten it off and on my whole life. My mom liked it, so it got passed down to me. She would make it as a sandwich, where I prefer it on saltine crackers. It’s surprising how the two flavors complement each other…
Not really as salty peanuts are common and the dominant flavour of a pickle is salt.
Do you pickle your pickles in salt water? We use vinegar over here…