“On Thursday, Brodie challenged the Conservative Party of B.C. caucus to fire her — including by asking Conservative MLAs to have a vote on removing her — and made the decision to walk out of the Conservative Party of BC caucus room,” Rustad said in a statement.
I wonder how many others are ready to follow her?
I thought BC was opposite? Or is that no longer the case. I thought the liberals where the right party.
BC Liberals (in actuality a centre-right party) rebranded as BC United, then got pummeled in the polls by BC Concervatives (because people are dumb and thought they were affiliated with the Federal Conservatives). So, many BC United MLAs jumped ship to BC Concervatives (which until then we’re - and to a certain degree still - social conservative nutball fringe group). Now, we have the NDP (which is in power), the Greens (who are supporting the NDP), BC Conservatives (who are beginning to shed some of the far-right wackos), and the lifeless carcass of the BC United.