There are lots of places with FPTP. It isn’t an American thing.
There are lots of places with FPTP. It isn’t an American thing.
I’m skeptical of those numbers. Otherwise why every time it has been tried, it failed.
I mean yes that is normal. Not the 29 days but I sure looked like she was working why else would she bring her tattoo stuff? And yes giving a friend a tattoo is considered working.
Oh yah totally different.
So which is it not doing anything because they basically do no trading with America or it we’ll destroy their economy?
Yep the west is falling apart.
Not sure the problem been side loading for years and never turned this off and haven’t had any issues.
Really the huge gutting of the government removing anyone not on their side is not under the radar.
They have literally said no. And considering one of the requirements is must be European seems there is no chance. But seems people don’t know where Europe is.
That is my fear. I don’t want more of the same. I want less immigration but neither party is running on that.
No. Unless they change a party ked by Singh is not getting my vote. I’m not even sure about the liberals yet we’ll have to see what he does so far not looking good. And cons are a no.
It’s literally one of their requirements.
We do where. Seems Denmark is really far away.
Huh arch is Canadian. Hmm might have to move from fedora. I have never liked how much control red hat has over it.
I got my phone free from a screw up at Amazon.
Dead tech so many people play Pokemon go.
Nobody has a right to enter any other country then their own.
You mean like fox news saying Canada is run by Nazi… oh I mean Cartels.
I do it. It has be DOT and you have to have a valid cert.
I thought BC was opposite? Or is that no longer the case. I thought the liberals where the right party.