Could you honestly talk to most people who would know Trump’s policies.
Could you honestly talk to most people who would know Trump’s policies.
Isn’t Walmart a department store?
I think you would notice a big difference from a 10 year old phone.
I mean none of this matters he was popular on one night and that is all that counts.
Uh she was involved in a drug trafficking operation. She is not some innocent person. Being a PR this was very stupid on her part.
Just randomly deport people to a country. What are they trump.
She was not a citizen and unless your a citizen you don’t have any right to be in a country. PR status can be taken away.
I mean she was trafficking weed. Even in Canada where it’s legal this would still be illegal.
They have temp sensors. But have never heard of a overheating drive.
Which town? Or is it Whittier?
Doesn’t it have a aftermarket bumber added? And why does it say without a scratch when it is leaking?
They’re broke and want to expand to get new revenue streams. Taxes from the people, have access to the resources.
I think if the invade Panama, it increases the chance we get invaded. And if the do Greenland after Panama our likelihood of staying a sovereign nation plummets.
Why he has said they don’t need anything from us. Is he going to go back on that?
So the states subsidezs their milk. So your fine with their citizens payinf for you to have cheaper milk. If that even happens.
At that point we might as well become American. We already debend on them for defense if we also end up relying on them for food are we even a country anymore?
Because they subzidize their dairy and would destroy our dairy industry and then we would be dependent on them for one more thing. Also the US has lost mulotiple cases for the softwood lumber tariffs. And have never paid or stopped the process. So why would it ever be any different.
They could in the past now they want everything for nothing.
The tariffs on Chinese EVs where not Trump.
Not to mention go one click either direction on street view and gasp you can see the house.