Like the Meebok M7 which runs Android 11. I know most apps support Android 9 as minimum, but how future proof will Android 11 be for these coming 5 years for example? I know it went EOL like last year. I could go for the Meebook M8 with Android 14, but it’s much more expensive…
Look up the Android version usage statistics. I think I remember reading guidance about targeting 95-98% of users was a good benchmark.
Depends on what you use it for. I wouldn’t use banking apps, but just general internet usage, email, callimg, texting, mobile gaming and/or video watching I don’t see an issue with.
It’ll be for reading as the screen is eink. Some book apps though and so forth.
Okay. If you’re just loading books via USB and not connecting it to the internet, you could just as well use a Android 2.0 (Eclair) operating system tablet from 15 years ago. You’ll be fine with that tablet.