I could’ve been in the gifted program. However, I was considered to removed to be a part of it. (My words) I have dyslexia and speech problems so I ended up appearing worse academically than I was. I can read no problem and was reading from a young age. I just couldn’t explain what I was reading verbally.
We need to rethink the classroom so that people from all backgrounds succeed. Often neurodivergent people are the ones who can excel.
There’s lots of variation in body sizes of people who wear medium size shirts. Why do we bother having large and small when they don’t perfectly account for every difference?
Normalize calling gifted programs “special needs”.
I could’ve been in the gifted program. However, I was considered to removed to be a part of it. (My words) I have dyslexia and speech problems so I ended up appearing worse academically than I was. I can read no problem and was reading from a young age. I just couldn’t explain what I was reading verbally.
We need to rethink the classroom so that people from all backgrounds succeed. Often neurodivergent people are the ones who can excel.
Because that’s what they are. They’re for students that have different educational needs from the majority.
that makes no sense because even the majority contains students with individual needs. universal design over segregating based on perceived ability
There’s lots of variation in body sizes of people who wear medium size shirts. Why do we bother having large and small when they don’t perfectly account for every difference?
that’s not what universal design means in disability spaces. you should look it up
Ah, I’ve heard of the concept but not the term. How would that look in the context of education?