Some people should know but I still have to explain. WOT is a service that basically rates websites if they’re safe or not to use and is basically supposed to be another layer of protection, however, I believe WOT is not the best service and I’ve seen people complaining about it. If you try to search for similar services you’ll probably be left disappointed cause it’s not something people talk about and it’s kinda hard to find terms for that kinda service. Does anyone know similar websites to WOT but more trustable?

  • Em Adespoton
    2 years ago

    Web of Trust.

    It’s a peer-based domain trust system. You can add a web extension to join it. Unlike SSL certificates where all you know is that someone has a specific key identifying their domain, WOT can differentiate between that’s been around forever with lots of people using it, and So if there’s any domain spoofing going on, WOT will let you know.

    Also, if a domain is known for phishing scams or is used as a malware repository, it’ll let you know that too.