• 1hotpoetaytoe
    2 months ago

    My younger sister is getting a mastectomy and implant in two weeks for ductal carcinoma stage 0. I call that a cancer scare!!! Depending on BRCA genetic testing results she may have to do both sides. I think after Birdbrain made a mockery of getting her exam I could not even hate follow her anymore. She was recording and basically goofing around the whole time. While there was a 1 in 8 chance someone in another room was getting the worst news of their life. I am due for my 6 month MRI as I am considered high risk and have to alternate MRI and ultrasounds every 6m due to family history and I am terrified every single time! I feel like a ticking time bomb. She made a joke of the whole process for engagement. I do not understand how this woman still has a “job”.

    • facialSwelling
      2 months ago

      Sending love and hugs to you and your sister. Birdbrain is a horrible, selfish, attention-seeking person.