• ILikeBoobies
    1 month ago

    Except in the twenty-first century, we get to record the brutality and fighting on video so the public can be inspired.

    (And 20th century)

    How well has that worked out for you when your example is from the 18th century

    • We’ve actually seen the ubiquitous camera thing become an issue during the George Floyd protests of 2020, and yeah the police were brutal, pushed by President Trump, only causing the protests to double in size.

      The French Résistance didn’t have the cameras, but the ill behavior of the Germans was ubiquitous, itself, despite e4fforts from the overseeing administration to advise them to be nice. They just couldn’t help themselves.

      Technology is a factor, as are countless other circumstances. It’ll be interesting to see when video of the ICE raids start emerging again.