The federal government offers a wide range of grants to states and local charitable organizations that could be affected by the order. Meals on Wheels America, a member organization for thousands of local affiliates that deliver food to seniors in their homes, said the order could affect operations.

“If in fact this order includes the Older Americans Act, this would presumably halt service to millions of vulnerable seniors who have no other means of purchasing or preparing meals,” Jenny Young, a spokeswoman for Meals on Wheels America, said in an email.

A senior administration official insisted Meals on Wheels recipients have nothing to fear: “No benefits to individuals are affected by this,” the official told HuffPost, adding that the pause could be as short as a day if federal agencies determine the funding aligns with the president’s priorities.

A footnote in the memo says the term “financial assistance” does not include “assistance provided directly to individuals,” which the administration said meant programs like Medicaid and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program would not be affected.

But Meals on Wheels is different. Federal grants under the Older Americans Act flow through state agencies and then to roughly 5,0000 community-based senior nutrition providers, which typically work with volunteers to deliver hot meals to people’s homes.

[Bolding added]

For the record, I have no idea if “a senior administration official” asked for their name to be withheld or if HuffPo just decided to do that for some reason, but I can’t think of any reason for a news org to withhold that information if they had permission

e; Forgot, archived at

  • n7gifmdn
    1 month ago

    I believe there is way too much federal spending, and have long argued it would be good to make both states and many private organizations less dependent on various federal grants. But that goal cannot and should not be accomplished by the unconstitutional means of giving the president unilateral control over federal spending.