Actual peace in Ukraine is only hope for European people. Their demonic pig fucker rulers need to be deposed, if they would prefer war against Russia just because there exists a brainwashed cohort that enjoys being pig fucked, while simultaneously resisting US increased subjugation, or worse, volunteering increased US subjugation.
The US was never anyone’s friend.
Ahh, nice for you to prove yourself, once again, for the pro Russia shill you are with lines like “Their demonic pig fucker rulers need to be deposed”
Love how you are so mad that someone gets invaded, but the invader who caused the war, killed civilians, and could end it at a moment’s notice? You praise.
Don’t worry, people will remember your pro-invasion attitude.
war 100% instigated by US puppetted Ukraine. Why would peace be pro Russia, btw? Same peace option was available prior to SMO.
Completely human of you to side with pig fuckers who will suicide Europe for the amazing profit of war with Russia, that it explicitly does not want.
War would also be instigated if Putin stopped invading.
If USA pulls out, there will still be war, just a more deadly one on Ukraine’s side. Canada, UK, South Korea, Norway ect ect do and will still support it.
Why do you like dead soldiers? Why are you such a war monger?
I hope all your friends know you are a warmonger. If one of my friends was half as pro war as you, they would NOT be my friend.
Russia needs to neutralize Ukraine.
Only because they are evil. But, because this was a US project all along, most likely they will not. They more likely will only bluff to, and will concentrate on the US problem. Ukrainians will die believing they will achieve their impossible objectives with the help of minor countries. As OP mentions this is not just the bad scenario, it is pure stupidity for all involved.
Provoking and insisting upon the war is entirely your position. Not mine. You just have a brainworm that tells you “must diminish Russia”, “best result is we get nuked… must keep going”
“Russia needs to neutralize Ukraine.”
So, you are pro-war, pro-death, anti-peace. When you say “endless war”, Its a request, not a warning. You are the scum of the earth, and you arnt happy until civilians are being killed by soldiers.
Putin could run over your mother, and you would ask for him to do it again to your father.
Now, can you repeat that for the people in the back?
Russia never wanted this war. The west did. The political convenience of using foreign nazis to suicide themselves to diminish Russia is an easy lie the weapons makers will bribe the rulers for, and manufacturing your own irrational demonic hatred for Russia is your corrupt rulers demonic greed. You cannot possibly care in the slightest for Ukrainian people if you want to empower their rulers bribery to expand their nazification rule over anti nazi population, and pretend it can join NATO.
Despite denying reality on how the war was started and perpetuated so far, OP gives a new choice for right now. Peace vs more complete BS to rearm nazis so they can fight again later.
I know that demonic imbeciles (or paid shills) such as yourself will when Putin runs out of patience with evil, and nukes your mother, you will ask your ruler to force him to nuke your father too.
No more reality distortion warmongering from you, warning.
“Russia never wanted this war, that’s why they started this war”
Can’t tell if you are an idiot, or a shill.
Russia gave clear red lines to avoid the war, that stand to stop the war. Ukraine even agreed to them 1 month after war started, but were bribed by UK/US to suicide to the last Ukrainian instead. Ukraine as a US puppet, 100% started the war.
“if you give us your land, we won’t be forced to invade you” is awfully similar to “if you give me your lunch money, I won’t have to beat you up”
Either way, you are pro bully, and pro dead civilians. Just own it! Admit you are cheering for dead babies.