This is gonna sound like a troll post but i assure you it is not.

I don’t have a coding background but I’ve used Teams in a lot of workplaces and really only encountered like 2 issues entirely.

Either I got seriously lucky or it was before enshittification.

Why do you yourself dislike it? Is it UI? Performance?

I should also say I use Teams for basic purposes like messaging and uploading files, I literally don’t touch anything else and performance hadn’t been an issue. (Likely because I’ve been given thicc-ass workstations in the past)

  • BlameThePeacock
    1 month ago

    There is plenty of light for zoom.

    No there isn’t, if you have to adjust the brightness digitally the camera itself is not getting enough light based on what it was designed for.

    Teams does have a brightness setting, it’s just a toggle rather than a slider. If that still isn’t enough, then you are sitting in a pitch black room. I just tested this, with every light in my room off, including the overhead and the direct facial lighting, the teams toggle is enough to make me reasonably visible in the light from my screen alone.

    I don’t need the toggle on at all with an overhead light on, and the annoying shadows from the overhead room light go away with my facial lighting on.

    Here’s a $21 clip on USB powered laptop ring light,

      1 month ago

      If that still isn’t enough, then you are sitting in a pitch black room.

      Yup, there is zero gap between the sunlit oark that Teams needs to have a decent picture and a pitch black room. Clearly zoom is doing some magic by having a brighter picture even with the default settings, it can’t just be Teams that is the problem.