This is gonna sound like a troll post but i assure you it is not.
I don’t have a coding background but I’ve used Teams in a lot of workplaces and really only encountered like 2 issues entirely.
Either I got seriously lucky or it was before enshittification.
Why do you yourself dislike it? Is it UI? Performance?
I should also say I use Teams for basic purposes like messaging and uploading files, I literally don’t touch anything else and performance hadn’t been an issue. (Likely because I’ve been given thicc-ass workstations in the past)
It defaults to 30fps, so if you’re getting 1fps there’s a different problem going on like a lack of internet bandwidth or a slow computer. This is not a fault of teams.
I deliver day-long training sessions via screenshare all the time and have no issues with people not being able to see my screen and my cursor moving around just fine.
You’re right, it can’t be 1 fps. Maybe 10? I’ll have to check next time.