Mom hung a mass produced art print on my bedroom wall when I was about 8. It’s of a little girl holding her puppy.

oil painting titled Miss Bowles and her dog by Joshua Reynolds

Cute, right?

Thing is, this painting terrified me. And I was raised in the time where you just kind of swallowed any complaints and didn’t bother mom or dad with kid foolishness.

Here is a copy of the thing I actually had hanging on my wall. This same frame. Probably came from Service Merchandise or some such.

larger crop of the same work of art

What in the everloving hell is lurking just over her shoulder?!?! To me it always looked like a skull wearing a hat on the side of his head, like a little old timey jaunty hat a clown would wear.

It’s a wonder I got any sleep. I was too afraid to tell mom I hated it. I never considered that I possessed the agency to take it off my wall and hide it at the bottom of the closet.

I think of this cursed painting still.

Did you ever have something in your childhood that unnecessarily scared the bejeezus out of you?

  • Stalinwolf
    2 months ago

    My mom and her siblings shared a wealth of disturbing/paranormal stories with us growing up, many of which were retold and/or corroborated by the others or extended family seperately. I grew up terrified of the dark as a result, as most kids are told that ghosts and monsters aren’t real. I still believe they saw many of the things that they spoke of, but I didn’t need to know about it. Not then.

      2 months ago

      If it is not too disturbing for you, I’d love to hear some of those stories. I think oral traditions such as story telling are some of the most interesting traits/ customs families pass along. My own family has some stuff they liked sharing too, some disturbing, some creepy, some plain stupid but part of the lore nonetheless.