I, personally, like to take the opportunity to express aspirations: not just trying to stop doing things I feel are harmful, but also to try new things or practice positive things more. A couple from me:

  • Avoid sarcasm when dealing with people, especially strangers, it does not go over well when they don’t get the joke
  • Do something positive, helpful, and non-criminal to counter the right wing political trend. (granted, this one needs more detail)

How about you?

  • BenVimes
    2 months ago

    It’s stereotypical, but I want to continue getting fit.

    After decades is putting it off, I finally felt inspired to start exercising regularly back in September. I’m going to try to keep that up, and I know it’s going to be hard because we’ll be welcoming a child into the world early in the new year.

    I guess another resolution would be, “try not to lose my sanity dealing with a newborn and toddler at the same time.”