• bitwise
    2 months ago

    These fucking business children just can’t wait to stop being told “no” by developers, even if “no” is usually more of a statement of fact driven by the nature of the problem or its lack of feasibility.

    So let’s get AI to shit on them as proof that we know they’re just wasting our time and money!

    And people wonder why CEOs are getting shot. It’s the same problem in every industry; the genuine few who actually get it are being followed by waves of fakers that think the numbers are all that matters and that everyone is a replaceable cog, and shit like Muhu.ai is just another pile of stolen homework, badly reinterpreted and used to ill effect so that this guy can call himself a CEO.

    Sucks that you had to deal with this during the holidays, but it’s good to know people like you won’t just let this slide.