I really need a job in less than 2 months, because I’m being kicked out of the house in 2 months.

I am also a 20 year old university student currently studying Computer Science, and half of my tuition is already being paid by OSAP, which means that I’ll need to pay around $2k for it.

I also don’t have any prior work experience, but I do know Linux, C#, C/C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript (but nothing advanced like React or SQL or game development), and Java. I also don’t have any prior projects of my own that I can present in my portfolio. After looking at the job market for programmers, I figured that I’m probably not yet skilled enough to apply as a web developer or sysadmin.

I have also asked my school if they have any open positions for something like a TA, but I’m still waiting to make an appointment.

I have also sent out a few resumes to places like Starbucks and Walmart, but so far I haven’t gotten any interviews yet.

My GPA is also like 2.3, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to apply for grants with that kind of a GPA.

I also have my social insurance card with me, so will I be able to get any insurance with it?

I’ve also been hearing on the news that the job market in Canada is being flooded by immigrants, mortgage and rent prices are crazy, and food is also crazy expensive, which really worries me.

I’m also totally stressed out from this.

  • morbidcactus
    2 months ago

    First, sorry that you’re going through this.

    Might be worth contacting your university’s financial services as you have a pretty major change to your circumstances, afaik there’s non GPA related grants (at least used to be), they’ll be able to tell you a lot more.

    I had university engineering projects on my resume when I graduated as my summer jobs were labour jobs, it was enough to get me into my first two jobs, first of which was a tech role that I learned a lot in and while tangential to my degree, absolutely opened the door for me.

    Could try looking at help desk jobs, buddy of mine did tech support at an ISP during uni, it’s transferable skills too. Looking at smaller (and local) companies well help, probably have an easier time if you’re willing to go into an office (which I get not wanting, remote work is preferable to me, but push comes to shove I’ll do a soul crushing commute again).

    Do you have friends or family that might be able to give you a place to stay? May also want to look at your region’s youth services and organisations like yws.