• Rentlar
    3 months ago

    “When I was growing up, CEOs didn’t make millions more than everyone else in the company. I think we have to reflect on why there’s so much anger and do something about it.”

    Only one of the 11 anonymous CEO responses gets it. There’s constant brainwashing in America (fortune.com is a literally part of it), that wealthy people made good decisions and were smart so they deserve every penny they make off the backs of everyone else.

    This ruse might work in an economy of the past with fairer tax rules, better social mobility (for cis white males at the time), and industries where the consumer-company relationship aren’t counter to each other. With healthcare, it is plainly obvious that the money going to the executive is from people dying and sick people being denied care, forced into debt and bankruptcy, exploited for this product with extremely inelastic demand. Every minute they waste of your time keeping you away from your treatment is more dollars to them. That’s why people are upset at United, and aren’t upset about CEOs of these types of industries being murdered.

    The country’s residents’ health should not be a commodity to be sold.