• pedz
    2 months ago

    Sadly this reminds me of conversations I have when I visit my family in their little town.

    “-They rebuilt the drive thru and it even worse than it was! They did a shit job! They should make a longer queuing area! It’s too close from the intersection!”

    I’ll show them studies, images, explain how drive thrus naturally cause congestion but nope, it’s because those drive thrus are built by idiots, apparently. I try to explain induced demand and how cars are super inefficient space wise, but they can only see how if the town only bought the land next door it could expand the drive thru there and thus fix congestion issues once and for all!

    It’s honestly disconcerting how they can’t see it’s the cars that are taking space.

    And while being at it, it also reminds me about the e-scooters that were banned in my city because they were “taking too much space”, and were a danger to pedestrians. Yet, I also know about a big metal box that takes much more space and is much more deadly to pedestrians, but we don’t talk about this one.