It’s been said many times already but cities really need to get their public transit in order so they can fix traffic congestation and improve the lives of their residents but I still have some questions about some ideas I had.
How much would it cost for a city to electrify their entire bus fleet? Yes, people taking the bus is still a good thing but a lot buses still run on some fossil fuel.
How much would it cost a city with no rail/metro infrastructure to create it from scratch?
I think “entire” is too strong a word.
Yes, you need charging, maintenance, supply chain, etc. but in very limited quantities at first. Usually, pilots are started with a limited number vehicles, staff, routes, and infrastructure. Similarly old vehicles are often phased out with as the depots, maintenance facilities, etc. are converted to support the new vehicles.
This is not only economically and environmentally efficient, but also operationally efficient. If you simply switch from one technology to another over a short period of time, you’re opening yourself to minor issues causing major havoc.
For a reasonably sized transport association it will be outright impossible to electrify an entire fleet at once:
You don’t need too much infrastructure to start transitioning: You can add charging infrastructure to on one or two terminal stops, upgrade one bus depot, educate 10% of your mechanics and start by upgrading all the lines going to these terminal stop. In the next year you upgrade the next terminals, the next depot and train another 10% of your mechanics. After a decade you’re fully electric without a big hassle.