As any musician will tell you, you don’t really need sight to play. Learning to play without looking at the instrument is pretty important.
The biggest challenges are with how to learn / write new pieces since you can’t look at written notation. Stevie Wonder “wrote” by recording and playing back tracks. A surprising amount of sighted musicians do the same if they never learned how to read or write notation, or if they just hate doing that.
I wonder how Stevie Wonder did it.
As any musician will tell you, you don’t really need sight to play. Learning to play without looking at the instrument is pretty important.
The biggest challenges are with how to learn / write new pieces since you can’t look at written notation. Stevie Wonder “wrote” by recording and playing back tracks. A surprising amount of sighted musicians do the same if they never learned how to read or write notation, or if they just hate doing that.
That damn Beethoven, making everyone look dumb.