For a long write up with more data and some reasons for it:

Keep in mind Russia is a massive country and trains are amazing at transporting freight over long distances. So they have a lot of regions and industries depending on the railroad. Much more so then in most other countries. Some places can hardly be reached by road, but can be reached on train.

  • Rentlar
    3 months ago

    They have a huge swath of land that to drive it by truck would make US longhaul trucking look like a piece of cake.

    The Far East needs infrasfructure if they are going to be sending stuff in the St. Petersburg and Moscow direction. Otherwise they will only ever have one or two real buyers of their products, China and North Korea.

    A train only needs one crew of 2 or 3 in transit, to carry the same load as 100 truck driver crews. So the fact that they are letting their railroads rot is going to bite them in the ass 100-fold if they think over-the-road freight is going to replace it.