So I kinda just realized I didn’t sleep for the past 24 hours. Noy sure if it’s the longest I’ve been awake, but probably of the top 5 longest. I’m dealing with depression so my sleep cycle have been fucked up. Got coffee I think around the 12th hour mark.

I’ve basically just been watching youtube videos, browsing lemmy. Googled random things.

Idk why, I guess I just wanted some dopamine boost from coffee and now I can’t sleep lmao. Maybe a bit of anxiety around certain recent political events.

I honestly am not sure if I’m actually awake or dreaming.

Anyways, what is the longest time you’ve been awake without sleep? When did it happen and why?

  • lost_faith
    4 months ago

    Ohhh, story time from 30ish years ago.

    It is summer in the late 90s, living downtown with nothing to do. 4 of us decided to stay awake as long as possible, with the help of LSD and PCP and my locally famous “acid walks”. We did an escalating amount of LSD(forget the actual amount started at 2 each then more each following dose) 2 quit after 48 hours, they just dropped asleep to the floor. Myself and a woman friend did another 48 on top of that and added some PCP to the mix. It was a very, umm, interesting and confusing 4 days, I don’t know how lucid I was at the end. Don’t really remember much more now. plz do not do this I slept the 5th day completely. Don’t abuse the power of youth, harness it.

    Unrelated, another friend of mine from that era took enough valium at a party that he slept for 4 days straight, best part was when he did finally wake up he asked the host what happened to the party. She was laughing when she told me, as did he.