Am I the only one who thinks if the Democratic party couldn’t win this election it’s time for them to go the way of the Whigs? It seems obvious to me that this party has become a liability to this country and if they cared about it they would get out of the way and let a new party step up.

  • humanspiral
    3 months ago

    The DNC has always been a zionist supremacist fundraising organization, above a power seeking one. If Zionist supremacism fully rules America, then the only viable opposition is one who would seek to disqualify zionist supremacist loyal candidate from office and citizenship. Nationalize zionist supremacist tolerant media.

    Strategy has to be to disqualify zionist, and other oligarchs who ally with zionists, money as treasonous and worth punishing.

    That is the only possible path. Otherwise, elections literally become “who will be first to blow this donkey as a sign of loyalty to Israel”, and the most genocidal donkey suckers win, and DNC is happy to lose while sending more fundraising emails.