
After voting in Florida, Donald Trump refused to reveal his stance on a state ballot measure that would prevent restrictions on abortion until fetal viability, around 21 weeks. The measure would overturn Florida’s current six-week abortion ban if approved.

Trump, who appointed conservative justices instrumental in overturning Roe v. Wade, avoided directly answering reporters’ questions, snapping at one to “stop talking about it.”

His stance on abortion has been inconsistent, previously criticizing the six-week ban as too strict but also labeling Democrats as “radical” on the issue.

The Florida measure is one of several abortion-related ballot initiatives in nine states, potentially impacting millions of women’s access to abortion.

  • corsicanguppy
    4 months ago

    Well that means we have to ask every.fucking.time .

    “Mr PeeResident, have you changed your stance and goals on human rights and how it extends to bodily autonomy for women?”