Russian soldiers have been heard raising concerns about how North Korean soldiers will be commanded and provided with ammunition and military kit, leaked intercepts obtained by the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine and released on Friday show.
The Russian soldiers talk disdainfully about the incoming North Korean soldiers, codenamed the “K Battalion,” at one point referring to them as “the f**king Chinese.”
Why do you suppose the training would be out of date? We hear often enough of North Korean cyber attacks so we know that they’re keeping up with at least some technologies. Do you really suppose that they don’t study other countries military exercises, battles and training material? That they don’t play computer war games?
I’m not seeing anything in the article about their competence being criticized. Seems like plain ol’ racism to me.
Not to say the NK troops really are more competent. Their training is likely essentially the same as it was in the 50s.
Why do you suppose the training would be out of date? We hear often enough of North Korean cyber attacks so we know that they’re keeping up with at least some technologies. Do you really suppose that they don’t study other countries military exercises, battles and training material? That they don’t play computer war games?
A nepotistic officer corps and no actual combat for seventy years is not a good combination for military readiness.