• d-RLY?
    31 year ago

    Always interesting to see random stuff like this. Though I am gonna ask the obvious question. Why not just find a way to increase the amount of coca in a coca plaint? Obviously the companies are allowed to have the drug. So unless this method means that fully created cocaine is going to just be on the leafs (like how THC builds up and can be sifted off). I currently don’t see why this would be better. And I didn’t see anything in the article explaining the “why”.

    Does anyone have any ideas or outright knowledge as to why not just create super high yield coca plaints instead? Shit is very impressive and takes a lot of work to do what they did. So I hope it works out for them with regards to their end-goal.

    • Davis
      41 year ago

      @dRLY @yogthos

      Just guessing but processing tobacco leaves is likely cheaper and easier or has better yield for the cost/effort/space to grow it.