I’m totally happy to pay the fee associated with joining, but I’d like to have some idea of how many hosts might be available along certain routes.

Even knowing how many hosts might be in a particular city could be very helpful.

Does this exist?

  • Showroom7561OP
    5 months ago

    AFAIK you can host without paying, you just need an account?

    The only registration page I saw asks for $30.

    EDIT: Oh, god, I didn’t realize you need a subscription if you want to use the service “as a cyclist”:

    "The app is normally available on a subscription basis which you can choose to pay as either a monthly or an annual subscription. If you joined Warmshowers more than a month ago, your free trial period for the app has now ended and to use the app as a cyclist you need to choose a subscription.

    You can access Warmshowers for free via the website or you can use the app for free in Host Only mode to manage your incoming hosting requests from other users."

    If not I can send you a screenshot of a city if you say which one?

    That’s awesome of you. I was hoping to see (more or less) what’s available between Belleville, Kingston, and upwards to Ottawa in Ontario, Canada. It’s not a huge area, but unless I know what’s around, it’s difficult to really plan anything.

    I think if there’s enough going on, I’ll be happy to sign up with the registration fee and explore from there. It’d be a huge selling feature if they just had a basic heatmap of hosts available.

    • AchtungDrempels@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Pretty sure you can use the website for free, even as a guest, just the app is a subscription. Sadly i cannot check myself, because i have deleted my account some years ago, and i’m not signing up again for $30 to host people.

      That is definitely some steep pricing, $30 for starters plus a subscription. I hope they at least have made this a geo based pricing system since the introduction, where it wasn’t. For people in poorer countries, where probably more hosts are badly needed, that may be a ton of money, but it does not look like they changed it.

      • Ex4l@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        No you can’t. You’ll have to pay.

        It became really crap.

        The android app is such a shame for the price it’s a real scam.

        • AchtungDrempels@lemmy.world
          4 months ago

          Sorry, i worded that wrong, i meant that i thought it was “free” to use the website after you paid the $30 entrance fee lol, the subscription being for the app only.

          Pricing is so over the top, for a “non profit” no less. But they can just do it because it’s still well worth the money, i hate it, haha.