• facialSwelling
    5 days ago

    I’m in shock that no one close to her sees this or cares enough to intervene. It’s mind boggling that her family feed into delusion. Same with her so-called friends. At some point, probably soon, she’ll have to face the truth. And this will cause her to snap. Having her sub reddit cancelled was her biggest mistake. Now her lies are posted over multiple reddit’s, some with followings in the millions. She’s been called out on Instagram, GOMI, Youtube comments, twitter and in the comments sections of media articles she buys. Millions and millions of eyes are now on her lies, her fraud and her insanity. Her filtering is getting more intense and manic. It’s obvious. When she doesn’t purchase bots she bleeds followers. Every campaign in 2024 from Reitmans and Pandora to Canadian Tire has been a huge flop. She can buy all followers and articles she wants but people don’t like her. Without filters and lies she doesn’t have a career. The real Sarah hasn’t resonated with audiences and she never will. When people find out she’s lied and filtered they are angry and talk. If you look at InstagramReality on Reddit followers are angry when they see the truth. More and more people are realizing she’s either severely mentally unwell or she’s a criminal.