• IninewCrow
    6 hours ago

    lol … great promotion because I went to see what the price of a ticket is to the show (past shows looks like ten euros) … but it looks like the show is sold out on the Stuttgart Operahouse website for the next four performances

    Imagine … paying money to attend an opera that you know will include sexual acts, blood, urine and excrement (apparently the choreographer is known for including stuff like this in the performances) and then get upset (because you already knew you don’t like these things) to the point where you need medical treatment.

    Sancta, a work by the Austrian choreographer Florentina Holzinger. A doctor had been called in for treatment in three instances, he added.
    Holzinger, 38, is known for freewheeling performances that blur the line between dance theatre and vaudeville. Her all-female cast typically performs partially or fully naked, and previous shows have included live sword-swallowing, tattooing, masturbation and action paintings with blood and fresh excrement.


    Wow … I’d want to see something like this myself just for the sheer horror factor … the closest I’ve ever seen to real life horror and blood was a Spanish bullfight in Malaga Spain, you’d think it would be a tame affair but it isn’t. They taunt the bull for half an hour until it is bloody wet shaking mess, then the bull fighter comes out and dances around the animal and then when the bull is just huffing and panting like a steam engine, shaking and blinded with fear and anger, the fighter lances it with a four foot long sword right behind the neck in a specific space to angle it down the back, into the chest and onto the heart, which literally bursts it like a water balloon inside the animal and pours the pressurized hot blood right out of the bulls mouth and all over the sand while the crowd cheers wildly. It’s quite a sight to see a large black bull tense all its muscles, open its mouth and have a literal pressurized fountain of gallons of its own blood come out of its mouth. I’m Indigenous Canadian and I’ve killed and butchered moose, beaver, caribou, geese and fish lots in my lifetime … but watching a bull die like this was one of the most horrible things I’ve ever seen. I paid about ten euro for a four hour afternoon show with three bull fights … we sat for the first one and walked out after that, leaving all our snacks and drinks at our seats.