If you’e been wondering how to monetize your fediverse posting … https://sub.club has good news for you!

"If you post quality content and you’ve developed a loyal audience, you should be able to ask your most passionate followers to support you with a premium subscription.

That’s a promise not available on the Fediverse …until now."

@dimillian has a short threa announcing availabiilty in @IceCubesApp and sub.club advisor @quillmatiq has more info here.

sub.club’s a project of The BLVD, Inc, the makers of @mammoth. I know there was a lot of skepticism when Marc Benioff, Mozilla, Long Ventures et al, funded Mammoth … with so many good apps out there, how are they expecting to get VC-level returns on their investment? But if sub.club can tap into the creator economy, there’s clearly money to be made!

#fediverse @fediverse

  • FiveMacs
    16 days ago

    Only thing is to block users like the one I’m replying too. Then you can’t see their ads and hashtag junk and get back to normal discussions.