I remember a few from various stages of my life (born 1984).

Seeing the demo footage of Sonic 2 in Woolworths and thinking the leaves falling down in Aquatic Ruin zone was so cool and advanced.

The original Sega arcade of Virtua Racing with the moving cars completely blew me away.

I remember my uncle loading up Cannon Fodder on his Amiga, and a REAL song with REAL music came out, along with REAL photos. I was amazed haha.

A few years on I remember a PlayStation demo disc having promo footage of the first Gran Turismo and it looked so real to me, I watched it over and over. The first Driver on PS1 looked absolutely amazing to me also.

  • Swordgeek
    7 months ago

    So many…

    • loading (from cassette!) and playing Adventure on a PET 4008. It was breathtaking! The first truly immersive gaming experience.
    • Wolf 3D on my first x86 machine. I hooked up the modem from my old Atari 400, and went looking for shareware. I had no idea what I was in for.
    • DOOM! I spent all bloody day trying to download the two shareware floppy images on the University campus, and a few hours tweaking the boot disk to get it running. Then the game started, and I played until I had to go to work the next morning.
    • Crying at the end of Grim Fandango. I play the game through every year or so, and my eyes still water up at the end.
    • Dark Age of Camelot - my first MMORPG. Hundreds of people in guilds and armies, organizing in real-time. It was fantastic. (until the script kiddies took over)