• ZC3rr0r
    2 months ago

    What would an individual be able to do to make proportional representation happen? So far, in BC the issue failed to win the vote twice, and when we overwhelmingly elected someone who promissed to do it, he backed out of that promise. I am honestly trying to learn what people can do if this is an important issue to them.

    • rand_alpha19@moist.catsweat.com
      2 months ago

      You could try donating to or volunteering for organizations that support electoral reform (Fair Vote is one of the larger ones but there are others), talking to your social circle about its importance and the different types of voting methods, or contacting your MPs (federal) and MPPs (provincial, I’m using the Ontario term since I’m from there) and getting their opinion and letting them know it’s an important issue.

      If you feel like you could make a difference locally, you could start your own group too. I sort of accidentally wrote this in order of difficulty lol, so you could start with the stuff at the top first. I’m sure there’s other stuff we can do too, I haven’t looked into it as much as I should.