How are you going to repost a video about children’s safety when your own daughter exploits your grandchildren online…

She reposted the reel (linked here: to her story

  • olivesandpoppies
    2 months ago

    Dannah has said (in previous videos) that kids shouldn’t be featured online , that you should never post where you are or what your kids names are, when you’re on vacation or when you’re coming back, no names on clothing, no telling strangers your name. Maybe Nana is trying to be passive aggressive about her daughter to improve her grandkids safety? Nobody can be so stupid as to not notice that everything about what is posted with the kids is a stupid and careless post that ignores their safety.

    • ThatOrangeBird
      2 months ago

      Sadly, I genuinely don’t think Nana sees the irony in this. They both exist in a clueless bubble and mindlessly share things they vaguely understand to be important, but never connect to their own lives (unless it can bring in a dollar or some attention). I’m pretty sure that’s about as deep as it gets. 😕