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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 3rd, 2023


  • popularity charts

    Looking at the charts that zabadoh posts is a good idea. Here is the most recent post. The JP twitter list shows that Tsukimichi has about as many twitter followers in Japan as 7th Prince does, a show that just aired for its first season, compared to the second season/third cour of Tsukimichi.

    Looking at the other chart (MAL + AniList) gives an idea of the following in the English-speaking world. On that chart, Tsukimichi has about as many followers as Wind Breaker, another show that just aired its first season.

    So, overall, not a tremendous showing for Tsukimichi. Again, surprising that this gets an immediate season 3 announcement. Perhaps there is some merit to the “some rich person likes the series” theory you had.


    I haven’t watched this show at all to be honest. Instead, I read the manga basically up to the content covered by this season (based on what I have seen of the discussion during the episode threads). I basically stopped reading at this point though, so I sympathize with having trouble finding the motivation to go on.

    closing thoughts on the season overall

    I think the season had some ups and downs. I personally really enjoyed the beginning of the season where we got the stories of the heroes that was cut out of season 1. However, I do sympathize with anime-onlies that were confused/frustrated that these characters aren’t why they watch Tsukimichi. Their stories kind of come out of nowhere if you aren’t familiar with the source.

    After that bit of filling in the blanks left by season 1, moving to Rotsgard, the story really slowed down and I think it probably could have been done better. There were opportunities to make things a bit more exciting through here that were just passed up. Classes/fights with the mist lizards could have been more exciting. The tournament arc started ok, with the student fights being exciting, but then the fights against the monsters felt extremely boring. There were lots of politics happening during this sequence, so I understand they chose to focus on that, but I feel they could have helped balance it out a little bit by slimming down conversations and adding in a little more action. Also through here, they mostly cut the backstory of Ilumgand, which is a shame. Without his backstory, he is just an asshole rather than more of a victim of circumstance that was preyed upon.

    Then, finally, the last section of the season where Makoto and Shiki are summoned by the Goddess to save Hibiki. From here on out it was fantastic, and was a great way to end the season. Just like the first season, the show runners really know how to end on a bang. I wish there was more of the Kaleneon, Left, or Lancer fight, but I think the show chose to focus more on Sophia/Makoto, which is probably the right call if you have to make a choice.

  • Overall, this game was kind of disappointing with relatively few good chances at goal from open play (especially compared to the other Group D match). The equalizer came from a penalty that will be sure to spark discussion going forward. At the end of the day, France looked their best when they were playing quickly and vertically. They struggled to generate chances when they couldn’t use their pace against the Polish defense. Lessons to take with them as they advance.

  • At the half:

    I tuned in about 10 minutes through the half once I grabbed some lunch. I have been watching France play through this tournament and they haven’t seemed like they particularly found their groove yet. At least, they seem a pale imitation of the French team that showed up in the World Cup. I had thought it was maybe due to Mbappe being sidelined so far. However, with him on the pitch this game, they have largely struggled to break through the Polish defense (until the last ~5 minutes or so).

    There just hasn’t been too much movement off the ball for France, creating space for their play makers to work through the Polish defense. France has looked better on the fast break than when they try to build it up because they have struggled to get through the back line of Poland after they get their lines set up. There were a couple minutes there at the end of the half where France started playing some quick give and go’s and were able to spring some players behind the back line to make the Polish goalkeeper come up with some good reflex saves.

    As for Poland, I think they should be fairly happy with their performance so far. They have mostly managed to contain some of the French play makers while having a couple good looks at goal on the break. Something to watch out for, and they almost got caught out, is that they don’t over commit forward and have things turn into a footrace toward their own goal after a turnover.

    The French team of the last five minutes of the half looked way better than the rest of what I watched, so I think they should look to emulate those quick passes and through balls to try to break through Poland as their big, lofted crosses haven’t had shown too much promise yet.

  • Plenty of time to finish it before watching the remake! What better way to compare/contrast?

    Seriously though, I expect it will be a while before this actually comes out. There had been some leaks that this was in the works for a little while. So, what I suspect happened is that they went ahead and announced this now to get ahead of things while continuing to prepare more for their planned announcement stream scheduled for the 17th.

  • I wonder if we were talking about the same thing

    We were! I remember this interaction between Root and Sophia being kind of shocking when I read the WN because of how different he seems throughout the whole rest of the story up to this point. He is not the silly, flirty, carefree person that we normally see other times, but a cold, indifferent, ruthless immortal being that has determined she has outlived her usefulness.

    Something that happened during that interaction that I didn’t remember was him noticing the katana. Is the implication that Lancer turned Root’s former husband (an isekai’d Japanese person, thus katana) into a sword and that is why it is so powerful?

    what Mio did to make the demon general a smol lizard

    I don’t remember this either. I did find the image of her munching on the spear really funny though.

    I agree with your assessment that Makoto doesn’t really come off the best in how he continues to brush off Mio’s (and Tomoe’s) obvious affection. If they are family now, does he see them as sisters or as wives? He really needs to clarify things, with himself more than anything else. Also, does that make Shiki a brother, or a husband? If it’s the latter, Shiki better steer clear of Root, because the jealousy is likely to get him killed.